Shea's Rockin' World News

A frequent update on all news relating to Shea's Rockin' World Tour. We expect there will be a lot of news over the next few weeks. Stay tuned for exciting updates!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Jamaican Home Stretch

Jamaica is in final online edit! Following final tightening of the script and some last-minute creative touhes by Unky Duck, the show is now in the hands of Tony at Midcan to work his magic. Brad at Midcan is building a new opening and bumpers (between scenes graphics) and rumour has it the sparkly new episode will be ready Friday. Thanks to Carrie for jumping in to get Shea to Midcan for some last minute voiceovers and to Midcan's Ben for squeezing us in. Thanks Shea for dropping everything when needed! When this is all done it will be the closest to an actual show that any of us has seen.

Ken brought by Dan to show us some ideas for "Shea Wear" - some great shirts and bags for the upcoming shoot and for eventual marketing on the website.
Marnie is going to add the designer touches and for some killer clothing.

Unky Duck is re-digitizing NZ but feels that with the new opening and bumpers the NZ episode will look quite dressed up already.

Simon's updating the sheasrockinworldtour website. New sell sheet has been added and more updates soon!

Shaun's injured financee Kaleigh has been putting in hours timecoding. She's probably as close to the Kenya episode now as those of us who were actually there! Muchos gracias K!

Hot Sauce continues to work on Hawaii and Allan's looking after licensing, insurance and customs. What would we do without him?


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