Shea's Rockin' World News

A frequent update on all news relating to Shea's Rockin' World Tour. We expect there will be a lot of news over the next few weeks. Stay tuned for exciting updates!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Kenya in the homestretch

Shea did the voicing for Kenya last night as well as for the 4 minutes "shorts". Unky Duck will be finishing off the shorts today and we'll get them to Joseph. I think I've mentioned - downloadable material is a big focus at the market this year.

Denise is digitizing Hawaii - she'll jump right onto Egypt after that. Unky Duck will just finish off Kenya and then get going on Hawaii.

Eric Wainaina's video stuff is being held up by the authorities in Nairobi. Carrie and Fed Ex are doing their best to roust it loose.

Next episode is all planned just so we're ready. Drum roll please....Costa Rica. Green Frog Adventures have put together an adrenaline-filled itinerary for us including canyoning, kayaking, white water rafting and another bungy at the end. They're giving us a great deal and it should be fantastic show. (this is all just pre-planning in case we need to move quickly-I'm also considering it as a replacement for my regular winter holiday - somehow laying around holidays aren't as appealing anymore.)

We'll just wait and see.


  • At 06 October, 2006 05:29, Blogger SRWT-Producer said…

    Well, you're definitely entertaining me anyway chris...sorry I couldn't play - i honestly couldn't guess.

  • At 06 October, 2006 09:07, Blogger Unky Duck said…

    Shea knocked the bulk of the aforementioned VOs in ONE TAKE !

    All for the cost of a dozen ritz crackers... there oughta be a law.

  • At 06 October, 2006 09:36, Blogger SRWT-Producer said…

    Just watched the 4 minute segments - FANTASTIC JOB Unky Duck!!

    They left yesterday for NY and Joseph is leaving for France today.

  • At 07 October, 2006 08:12, Blogger SRWT-Producer said…

    I cannot say that I am well-versed in religious and biblical sentiments, however, at this moment I am willing to pull in every advantage we can - so if anyone out there IS connected...please feel free to pray. The rest of us - just keep our fingers crossed!


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