Shea's Rockin' World News

A frequent update on all news relating to Shea's Rockin' World Tour. We expect there will be a lot of news over the next few weeks. Stay tuned for exciting updates!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Jamaica is all sparkly and wondrous

Big kudos to Tony at Midcan for finishing off Jamaica. A couple of small tweaks and the final DVD's will be off to Milt tomorrow to work his magic.
It really looks terrific. Very polished and very entertaining. Brad put a lot into the new opening. Whataguy!

Had an excellent Executive Producer meeting with Philip and Chuck today. It's easy to get caught up with all the possibilities. These guys have really kept the faith and continued to support the project and continued to BELIEVE! The Amazing Ken was on hand to fill us in on some of his latest conquests.

As an example, Ken has secured us an article in Going Places magazine and it could go National! That kind of publicity can only mean great things for us. He's also working on a St. Vital Centre Silver City premiere date. That would be so much fun. In the meantime, with help from stylist Marnie, he's working on the SheaWear making sure we're all outfitted appropriately in Hawaii. Can't wait to see the stuff.

Marnie is out right now with Shea choosing her new wardrobe. A hip, leading edge kind of look will be ever more important as we investigate all the merchandising and sponsorship possibilities. Go Marnie Go!

Robin is very excited to see the Jamaica episode. I love his energy and enthusiasm. This week he's been shooting on top of a glacier and then he covered a poetry contest. I don't think the poetry quite did it for him. Only 8 more sleeps Robin!

Allan is buried under a pile of film licensing, insurance and carnet forms. OHMYGAWD, I'm so glad I don't have to do that part.

Unky Duck continues to slave away. Out-of-site but most definitely not out-of-mind!

Everyone hold their collective breaths over the next few weeks as Milt takes the show to those lucky unsuspecting broadcasters.

May I simply express what a privilege it is to be part of the amazing SRWT family. Each and every member plays a vital role.

What can I say? It's a wild ride.


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