Shea's Rockin' World News

A frequent update on all news relating to Shea's Rockin' World Tour. We expect there will be a lot of news over the next few weeks. Stay tuned for exciting updates!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Check out the site!

Wanted to encourage everyone to take a new look at the Shea's Rockin' World Tour website. The amazing Simon has made many changes and the site now holds much more information. We've been talking about adding a section to sell SheaWear. We're meeting on that next week.

I'm really happy with the Episode Guide. Lots of great pics.

Shea is re-voicing NZ on Monday (she's feeling much better now - thanks to all who asked about her) New NZ and promo video will be out to Milt on Friday (assuming all goes well)

She'll also be appearing in St. Vital Centre's new billboard campaign so watch for it!

Midcan was able to loan us the digitizing system for the holiday weekend - a vital need in order to get the promo video done - let's hear it for Unky Duck who once again gives up his weekend for the cause. What would we do without him?


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