September 24th Confirmed for SRWT Premiere

The greatest client in the world.
St. Vital Centre is helping us out with hosting the premiere event on September 24th at their own Silver City. Show will commence at 10 am. We have 400 tickets. Hot 103 will be promoting the event and we'll be contacting local area schools. We're working on some other ideas as well. Will keep you posted as plans unfold. Possibly a late day phone discussion on Tuesday?
At 11 September, 2006 17:09,
SRWT-Producer said…
Shea has a soccer game at 6 pm. Any chance we could meet in the south end somewhere around 4?
How about Mona Lisa?
At 11 September, 2006 17:28,
SRWT-Producer said…
your choice!
At 11 September, 2006 17:54,
SRWT-Producer said…
For sure the Kid's club T. We're going to do up a little invite. I think families will be able to tell if it's right for them.
At 11 September, 2006 19:37,
Unky Duck said…
"What's are you on about, soup ?"
OK, P, now i'm hurt.
At 11 September, 2006 19:40,
Unky Duck said…
Mona Lisa is hardly "South"...
can i come ?
At 11 September, 2006 20:06,
SRWT-Producer said…
you are expected to come. That's why I chose beer over telephone communication...among other reasons.
I know Mona Lisa is not really south. I thought it was sorta central with a nod towards my place.
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