Shea's Rockin' World News

A frequent update on all news relating to Shea's Rockin' World Tour. We expect there will be a lot of news over the next few weeks. Stay tuned for exciting updates!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Exciting News!

Milt spoke with Sandra Carter yesterday and today and Ken also spoke with Sandra. Sandra is really behind the show and will be representing us in fine style at MIPTV in Cannes. Prior to that she is at a show in Turkey and will be promoting the show there as well. We'll be featured in her sales magazine as well as on her website. We are going to send a whack of DVDs out to broadcasters who will be returning from their holidays at the end of August. Milt believes this will be the perfect time to send out the DVDs and to start setting up the meetings for MIPTV. Both Sandra and Milt have assured us that SRWT will do very well at the Market.

In the meantime, I had a meeting with Hot 103 today, the perfect radio station for our target audience. They are excited to come on board with an on-air promotion. We're going to arrange for a premiere screening of the first THREE episodes of SRWT at Silver City St. Vital on September 24th. Hot 103 will give away tickets to the premiere as prizes on-air. St. Vital Centre is going to donate extra prizes and we'll also see what we can come up with. We'll get comment cards to them plus we'll get the audience to start some on-line chatter about the show.

Things are really heating up now!

I feel absolutely confident with Milt, Sandra and where we're going.

Milt will have his heart surgery on Monday.

Let's keep him him in our thoughts and wish him a speedy recovery.


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