Shea's Rockin' World News

A frequent update on all news relating to Shea's Rockin' World Tour. We expect there will be a lot of news over the next few weeks. Stay tuned for exciting updates!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Nothing new to report

Just figured I'd better give you "commenters" a new place to comment to....that last one was getting long and was deteriorating

Kenya is close to done. Need to get together to show it to the Execs. Picante crew travelling to Saskatoon Wednesday and Thursday for Picante West opening. Possibly a showing Friday just after work? Hopefully we'll have news to discuss also.

ps Jetta has been found. No sign of the Rendezvous as yet.


  • At 08 October, 2006 08:32, Blogger SRWT-Producer said…

    we think it's just a coincidence.

    We now have a nifty alarm system at the office and ....wait a minute - I just realized we have no tv at the office anymore....must get on that on Tuesday so we're ready for friday....


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