Shea's Rockin' World News

A frequent update on all news relating to Shea's Rockin' World Tour. We expect there will be a lot of news over the next few weeks. Stay tuned for exciting updates!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Great News!

Tony the terrific has confirmed that he should be able to finish up NZ and the promos for shipping out to Milt on Friday. He suggests that I continue to be the one asking for favours as he no longer has a crush on Unky Duck since he lost his tooth.

I can't say enough about Midcan and all they are doing for us. And UD - you're a MACHINE!!

Here's the new St. Vital Centre billboard featuring Shea and her pal Ezi.


  • At 08 August, 2006 20:38, Blogger SRWT-Producer said…

    Separate solo gig.

    but I'm hoping Shea becomes a big star and my client St. Vital Centre remembers when she came cheap....right Tineke?

    Actually, Ken was talking about launching at Silver city St. Vital as well.

  • At 09 August, 2006 14:19, Blogger Unky Duck said…

    Some menswear shop used to have Tom Cruise.

  • At 09 August, 2006 15:51, Blogger SRWT-Producer said…

    p - Milt will be taking a completed Jamaica, a bright and shiny new completed NZ and 6 fabulous promos featuring the best of the best - highlights from everything we've shot. We're also sending some SheaWear he can hand out as bribes...I mean gifts.

  • At 11 August, 2006 14:48, Blogger SRWT-Producer said…

    thanks T!


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