Shea's Rockin' World News

A frequent update on all news relating to Shea's Rockin' World Tour. We expect there will be a lot of news over the next few weeks. Stay tuned for exciting updates!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Morning letter from Milt

Good morning Laura,

In going through Aaron’s MIPCOM notes, it became increasingly apparent that there is worldwide interest in a series of at least 13 eps. In fact, we received an e-mail this morning from a very good distributor (they buy, then sell) in Italy (also sometimes buy Spain) asking about this.

I received call-backs from both Ellen Baine at CITY & Pat Ellingson at TVO late yesterday afternoon.

I’m dropping off the DVD & sell sheet either today or Monday to Pat. She’s promised to screen quickly & respond.

Ellen did screen the show & basically liked it. She’s passed it on to Razor again. They should be viewed as an absolute last resort because their license fees are so low. Even at that, Ellen says they’ll only buy if they need the programming. But, I think, if it comes down to it, a favour can be called to get them to take it & play it so you can get tax rebates.



  • At 20 October, 2006 15:10, Blogger SRWT-Producer said… comments from anyone. And I thought it was such a positive letter.

    I guess over the next few weeks people will return from Mipcom and will make some decisions.

    In the meantime, I've been writing to various tourism boards to see if now that we have committed international broadcasters we might get some help from the governments.

  • At 21 October, 2006 05:29, Blogger SRWT-Producer said…


    I will be working today on preparing for the eventuality of producing the rest of the shows. This should not be construed as an assumption that this will be the case. There are just some realities that I would have to be prepared for if we decide to move of which is that we would really need to shoot 2 before the end of this year. I'm looking at last week of November and then Christmas. Again - just figuring things out in case.

    Has there been any discussion about finding other investors? I know a few people I could talk to. Might be a longshot but maybe not. I won't do anything like that until we've had further time to discuss.


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