Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Status Update's true. We kept Unky Duck here for 3 extra days for some R & R. He's been working really really hard and it was easy to let him stay in our room for free. But each day he's been up and going - camera in hand. That wasn't exactly supposed to happen but we definitely have Hilton and scenic footage to fill in any gaps in the show or to help persuade Hilton to sponsor.
As soon as we get back he is going to put finishing touches to NZ and Tony is ready to do the online edit.
We were thinking of moving right into Hawaii to edit because it is going to be so rock 'em sock 'em good, but then we thought - it is a bit similar to Jamaica (in atmosphere - not in activities) and poor Kaleigh and Shaun have been timecoding Kenya like crazy. So Kenya is definitely more ready to go. Kenya is going to be a great show too.
Likely the order of things will be Kenya then Hawaii then Egypt. We're hoping about 2 weeks per to get them to Tony.
Of course, the most urgent matter is getting NZ to Tony and then the finished episode to Milt.
That's going to be our primary focus when we get home.
There's lots and lots of timecoding to be done so all volunteers let us know!
Remember - there's more at
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
R & R
Lauren, the sales rep from Hilton Waikoloa sent up some cookies and mile yesterday. Really sweet of her.
As you may have seen from Unky Ducks blog - Shea was treated like a star here much of the time. Kids lining up for autographs and photos. Really gave you a hint about what the potential is. Unky Duck has all the photos so Id suggest checking for updates there. (notice I cant use apostrophies? No idea why all of a sudden. How weird is that?
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Another amazing day
Slept in little shacks and were glad they suggested buying extra blankets - it was COLD.
Hightailed it back to Hilo this morning for our interview with Mixjah. Definitely our best music segment yet. These guys were so accommodating and the music is fantastic. They had all their little kids dancing in front of the stage. It's going to really be something. Can't wait to introduce srwt family and friends to this band.
Raced like maniacs to the other side of the mountain for the luau tonight. We made it but not without one stop for Laura to lose her lunch and Care and Marnie to take a wee break.
The roads were really windy and hilly. Oh well. I'm fully prepared to sacrifice for this show.
More pics when I can.
(I really do think this is the best show yet!) Shea's doing great and the team is working well - again we miss Robin - we really do wish he was here.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Two fantastic days of shooting
On Wednesday We went up in the Ultralights. Shea and I went up and Clark followed in a strange little vehicle that resembled a bicycle with wings. They call it a Breezy. We were able to perform some synchronized flying and it was quite simply the most exciting thing I've ever done! Shea looked fantastic in a lime green flight suit - again I'll get a pic on here as soon as I can.
What an amazing segment!
We really, really, really miss Robin. Wish he could have been here for this.
We highly recommend the Ultralights to everyone ....and the north shore of Oahu the next time you want a great vacation.
Today we leave for the Big Island and the volcanoes and camping night. Likely no internet connection tonight.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Internet a little tougher than I thought
Did a nice little Pearl Harbour segment - then Atlantis Submarines. They were both fillers - but nice.
Yesterday was a big day. We did a major segment in the morning - the Shark Adventure. Shea was quite intimidated to go in the cage but she did. We have lots of underwater footage - there were 15 sharks surrounding the cage. Pretty awesome. Myself, Bree and Carrie did the obligatory heave over the side of the boat. Very bonding. I'm just no good with boats.
Then we did the segment on surfing with Sunset Suzy. It could not have been better.
Suzy was great and after her lessons we have Shea 5 or 6 times surfing like a champion.
We even have a great shot where Shea surfs right towards Robin who is out in the water with the underwater camera. She eventually surfs right into him. (it was an accident) but the footage is awesome. Robin slightly injured but smiling.
Today - the Polynesian Cultural Centre all day and tomorrow it's the Ultralights. Fantastic stuff.
Will add more when I can.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Just a quick update
The lady who had made the arrangements felt badly so she comped us a twilight cruise. I accepted, however, I knew we were really tired and still quite jetlagged. We went on the cruise but were all falling asleep.
Were back to the condos by 10:30 and Team Hawkins at least was out cold immediately. Can't say for sure about the other guys - haven't seen them yet this morning.
Today is an easier day and then tomorrow SHARKS! Ken and Lori will be arriving late tonight.
So...that's the update. Will keep you posted.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Whew - details a flying
Production Schedule
Friday, Jul. 14 Crew arrives 10:28 pm - pick up vehicles
head to Island Colony Condos
Saturday, July 15 Breakfast 8:30 am
Depart for Pearl Harbour 9:30 am
10:00 am USS Arizona (Pearl Harbour)
Depart approx: 1:30 pm
(or earlier to find lunch somewhere)
2:30 pm arrive Atlantis Submarines
3:00 pm Sub leaves harbour
5:30pm return to harbour
find some dinner - free night
Sunday, July 16 Breakfast 8:30 am
Depart for North Shore 9:30 am
Check in Turtle Bay condos
Free day
Monday, July 17 no breakfast
Depart 5:30 am
Sharks 6:30 am
Return to shore 9:30 am
Return to Turtle Bay Condos
Depart noon: Sunset Suzy
Free evening
Tuesday, July 18 Breakfast 9:00 am
Depart for Polynesian Cultural Centre 1030 am
Shoot all day
Free evening
Wed., July 19 no breakfast
Depart for Ultralights 5:30 am
Shoot Ultralights 6:30 am
Free afternoon and evening
Thursday, July 20 Breakfast 8:00 am
Check out
Depart Turtle Bay/North Shore 9:00
Flight to Hilo
11:20 am - arrive Hilo 12:01 pm
Pick up van
Meet Grant
Drive to Volcano National Park
Shoot volcano
Stay at Volcano House cabins
Friday, July 21 Drive to Hilo
Interview band at rehearsal studio
Drive to Kona
Check-in King Kamehamaha Hotel
Saturday, July 22 Spend the day with Mixjah - canoeing etc.
Sunday, July 23 Crew flies back to Honolulu
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Jamaica is all sparkly and wondrous

Big kudos to Tony at Midcan for finishing off Jamaica. A couple of small tweaks and the final DVD's will be off to Milt tomorrow to work his magic.
It really looks terrific. Very polished and very entertaining. Brad put a lot into the new opening. Whataguy!
Had an excellent Executive Producer meeting with Philip and Chuck today. It's easy to get caught up with all the possibilities. These guys have really kept the faith and continued to support the project and continued to BELIEVE! The Amazing Ken was on hand to fill us in on some of his latest conquests.
As an example, Ken has secured us an article in Going Places magazine and it could go National! That kind of publicity can only mean great things for us. He's also working on a St. Vital Centre Silver City premiere date. That would be so much fun. In the meantime, with help from stylist Marnie, he's working on the SheaWear making sure we're all outfitted appropriately in Hawaii. Can't wait to see the stuff.
Marnie is out right now with Shea choosing her new wardrobe. A hip, leading edge kind of look will be ever more important as we investigate all the merchandising and sponsorship possibilities. Go Marnie Go!
Robin is very excited to see the Jamaica episode. I love his energy and enthusiasm. This week he's been shooting on top of a glacier and then he covered a poetry contest. I don't think the poetry quite did it for him. Only 8 more sleeps Robin!

Allan is buried under a pile of film licensing, insurance and carnet forms. OHMYGAWD, I'm so glad I don't have to do that part.
Unky Duck continues to slave away. Out-of-site but most definitely not out-of-mind!
Everyone hold their collective breaths over the next few weeks as Milt takes the show to those lucky unsuspecting broadcasters.
May I simply express what a privilege it is to be part of the amazing SRWT family. Each and every member plays a vital role.
What can I say? It's a wild ride.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Hawaii Schedule
Saturday - USS Arizona (Pearl Harbour) we have permission YAY!
Saturday evening - Atlantis Submarine
Sunday - drive to North Shore - r & r
Monday - Shark encounter in the morning - Sunset Suzy surfing lessons in the afternoon
Tuesday - Polynesian Cultural Centre all day
Wednesday - ultralight flying very early in the am
Thursday - drive back to Honolulu and fly to Big Island - visit volcano
Friday - interview and camping with Mixjah ...surfing and diving with the band
Saturday - more time with the band and luau
Sunday - am - shoot opening - then crew flys back to Honolulu and heads home
Monday Afternoon

A flurry of activity. Everyone in SRWT Headquarters is timecoding...Bree...Shea...Allan and yours truly working hard to have Kenya completely finished up this week. SRWT Hindquarters (had to steal your titles Duck) is promising that he'll be done with the NZ recut by the end of this week and looking for Kenya footage to start the edit. Unky Duck is excited about the NZ redo as sound will be on track and extra usable footage will afford all sorts of new opportunities.
Still being challenged by Hawaii details.