Shea's Rockin' World News

A frequent update on all news relating to Shea's Rockin' World Tour. We expect there will be a lot of news over the next few weeks. Stay tuned for exciting updates!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Holy Kimchee!!

Heard from Joseph, our intrepid Sandra Carter Global representative.

SRWT sold in Korea!!! We don't have the details yet, and we are sure that it is not a huge sale financially, however, it is the only show that Sandra Carter has sold thus far at the Korean Show and they are revved right up.

From my standpoint, having it sold at its very first show on the very first day is very positive and bodes well for the future. Joseph says that the Japan show which is right away is quite a bit larger - and of course - the Cannes show is the real biggie. I think it's great that we'll be able to go into the bigger shows with a hot property.

Arab Middle East, Korea....the world! and then CBC.

Monday, August 28, 2006

An Update

Firstly, and most importantly, Milt is out of Intensive Care and is recovering nicely. I spoke with his son Aaron this morning and Aaron reports that Milt is cranky as heck because his recovery is moving too slowly for his liking, but he's definitely on the mend. We sent flowers and best wishes from the SRWT team.

Joseph from Sandra Carter Global contacted Ken. He's leaving today for meetings in Korea and Japan and is taking the show with him. Ken spoke with Sandra as well and I followed up with a discussion directly with Sandra myself.

She's viewed the DVD - loves the show! Is really excited about the Egypt episode.

She advises that 6 shows would be marginally better than 5 - however I assured her that with interest a 6th could be shot very quickly. I simply indicated that I am feeling less than objective these days and would really like some outside guidance and reponse before committing more dinero. She agreed totally. She's headed to a show in Turkey shortly and feels she'll have a good handle on things by September 20th. Then she'll be at Cannes at Mipcom.

I entered a pitching contest which is being held at Mipcom Junior. They will advise us of finalists by September 21. Again - a real longshot but no reason to not try.

Nothing further on Hot 103 premiere - I'll follow that one up tomorrow.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Robin and Laura tear up Saskatoon

We're shooting credit union commercials out here this week. Shea was here temporarily and is now visiting cousins. In the meantime, Unky Duck is finishing off slight adjustments to Jamaica and NZ and the package should be out to Sandra Carter this week. That's the latest from Sheanews. I am very, very tired. Robin is keeping me smiling though.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Exciting News!

Milt spoke with Sandra Carter yesterday and today and Ken also spoke with Sandra. Sandra is really behind the show and will be representing us in fine style at MIPTV in Cannes. Prior to that she is at a show in Turkey and will be promoting the show there as well. We'll be featured in her sales magazine as well as on her website. We are going to send a whack of DVDs out to broadcasters who will be returning from their holidays at the end of August. Milt believes this will be the perfect time to send out the DVDs and to start setting up the meetings for MIPTV. Both Sandra and Milt have assured us that SRWT will do very well at the Market.

In the meantime, I had a meeting with Hot 103 today, the perfect radio station for our target audience. They are excited to come on board with an on-air promotion. We're going to arrange for a premiere screening of the first THREE episodes of SRWT at Silver City St. Vital on September 24th. Hot 103 will give away tickets to the premiere as prizes on-air. St. Vital Centre is going to donate extra prizes and we'll also see what we can come up with. We'll get comment cards to them plus we'll get the audience to start some on-line chatter about the show.

Things are really heating up now!

I feel absolutely confident with Milt, Sandra and where we're going.

Milt will have his heart surgery on Monday.

Let's keep him him in our thoughts and wish him a speedy recovery.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Brief Update

As this is a public forum, I'll be brief. Meeting did not take place. Our distributor is ill in and out of hospital. Next steps are in discussion. Hopefully a new action plan by Thursday.

2:17 - still waiting

Sure am looking forward to that trade show in October.

11 am and no word yet

Again, the big event is in October in Cannes. This would just be a very nice bonus.

Friday, August 11, 2006


If you haven't already (and I' m sure you have) check out

New show promos on there that even start to convince a cynic like me that broadcasters would be out of their minds to pass this up.

Photos courtesy the Stuart Clan.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Marnie's pics

Here's a few from Marnie.

Thursday news update

Tony sent an e-mail at 12:49 am this morning saying he's right on track! UD says 5 new promos will be ready tomorrow. Package will make it out to Milt tomorrow. We'll have to think of a real SRWT thank you for Tony.

New photos from Hawaii courtesy of Ken and Lori.

Meeting with Simon re: website in a few minutes.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Great News!

Tony the terrific has confirmed that he should be able to finish up NZ and the promos for shipping out to Milt on Friday. He suggests that I continue to be the one asking for favours as he no longer has a crush on Unky Duck since he lost his tooth.

I can't say enough about Midcan and all they are doing for us. And UD - you're a MACHINE!!

Here's the new St. Vital Centre billboard featuring Shea and her pal Ezi.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Slogging along

Poor Sheazie - revoiced NZ today plus a bunch of show promos. When she's said the same things what seems like a hundred times it's not that easy to make it all sound shiny and new. But, she soldiers on. Now she gets a few days holiday at the lake with her dad - she'll likely enjoy the break.

Unky Duck is still digitizing. Promises a hilarious segment from Kenya - can't wait to get a sneak peek.

Good thing Unky Duck has a more entertaining blog.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Check out the site!

Wanted to encourage everyone to take a new look at the Shea's Rockin' World Tour website. The amazing Simon has made many changes and the site now holds much more information. We've been talking about adding a section to sell SheaWear. We're meeting on that next week.

I'm really happy with the Episode Guide. Lots of great pics.

Shea is re-voicing NZ on Monday (she's feeling much better now - thanks to all who asked about her) New NZ and promo video will be out to Milt on Friday (assuming all goes well)

She'll also be appearing in St. Vital Centre's new billboard campaign so watch for it!

Midcan was able to loan us the digitizing system for the holiday weekend - a vital need in order to get the promo video done - let's hear it for Unky Duck who once again gives up his weekend for the cause. What would we do without him?

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Heard from Milt today. He has a meeting set up on August 15th. (with a certain large national broadcaster)

The plan is to have the NZ episode done and hopefully a highlight reel from the upcoming 3 episodes.

The countdown is on!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Fingers crossed and I'm hyperventilating

Tony from Midcan reported in that he had a cancellation later this week and we could get into the edit suite with NZ. Unky Duck worked heroically as usual. Shea will be into revoice asap - she's really down for the count right now - sick as a dog poor kid.

NZ will be done and off to Milt before we know it.

Will keep you posted!

Home stretch now......